Fish Hoek High School


“Our school is not your typical school.”

Fish Hoek High School is a vital, growing school. We promote a mantra that everybody has value and is worthy, that everybody is a somebody at Fish Hoek High School. We offer an authentic educational and culturally diverse experience with highly competent and experienced educators.

We create opportunities to equip Fish Hoek High School pupils with the following life long skills, before we send them out into the world:

Character: Change makers and young adults with integrity, compassion, resilience, grit.

Communication: Effective and responsible communication skills (writing, verbal,non-verbal, on digital platforms).

Inclusivity: Appreciation and respect for differences and cultures.

Positive leadership: To display internal and external leadership. Leadership starts from within.

Organisational: Meeting of deadlines, organisation, to be prepared and punctual.

Collaboration: Sharing of ideas and respect for opinions.

Problem solving: Ability to own a problem and solve it.

Perseverance: Never giving up. To fail forward. To bounce back after defeat and disappointment.

Team work: Working together to actualise goals.

Paying it forward: Gratitude for the opportunities and experiences at FHHS and giving back to the school and the community, sharing the attitude of excellence.

Tolerance: Respect all shapes, sizes and abilities.

We offer Teaching excellence right on your doorstep.

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